Sanctuary Cities

Ah, sanctuary cities... should be safe havens, right? Well, not really. Sure, sanctuary cities appear to be helpful to those immigrants who have crossed the border illegally, but in reality sanctuary cities are hurting everyone. Allow me to explain...

I guess I'll start off on the pro-sanctuary city side. Some people support federal funding for sanctuary cities and also agree that sanctuary cities do not have to abide by the federal laws and regulations. To them, it's the concept of states rights (well, city rights), and they are arguing from the "moral" standpoint. They believe that sanctuary cities are illegal immigrants' only hope at surviving in America, and believe that there is not too much crime that arises. To them, everyone is entitled to come to the land of the free, and that there would be no other means for them.

Now let's jump to the anti-side. This side is Conservative/Republican-leaning. The supporters of this side are against funding for sanctuary cities, as they believe that they are acting unconstitutionally and should follow the law. Well, the law does say that illegal immigrants must be booted out. I'm sorry, but there is no way that we can have everyone come here if all of them are running away from a terrible place. It's impossible, and would blow our budget. They argue that it's more economical to cut funding immediately as it just encourages illegal immigration even more. That is true though. Also, it is not fair for the legal immigrants who took the long and tedious (don't even forget costly) route to come over here and are paying taxes and not receiving the same benefits as the illegal immigrants.

What's the solution? Well, personally, I think we should make this a slow process. Slowly start cutting funding for these sanctuary cities, BUT then use that money toward immigration reform. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton all promised immigration reform, but where is that money coming from? Especially since our military budget is rising and Trump is proposing to increase it by a couple more billion. Don't forget the Gerald R. Ford that was unveiled a few days ago...that was like $6~$7 billion over-budget. The problem is that if we increase funding for sanctuary cities, then we will continue o be fostering illegal immigration. We need to CURB and STOP illegal immigration. It's simple economics: we make an investment, a one-time investment toward changing our immigration system. Perhaps it may be quite costly, but it certainly is better than "building a wall" @realDonaldTrump. Lol. But anyway, it's an investment because if that system is reformed, then we won't even have to fund sanctuary cities and award all of that money from those lawsuits (check the news about how Canada's Justin Trudeau gave away MILLIONS to an illegal immigrant who sued for some reason. Don't forget he killed someone too...).

Maybe after the system is reformed the government can still grant some money to those cities, to help out with programs and foundations/organizations that may be started. But at this rate, we will still be pouring money to the sanctuary cities, and it becomes a cycle. We want to end the cycle. It;s only going to hurt people because the illegal immigrants will still be stuck and not be able to move up the ladder. When we allow them to become immigrants, they can truly achieve the American Dream, the dream millions of immigrants seek. 

Arik Li
