When ISIS first sprang up in 2013~2014, it was right after Obama pulled troops out of Afghanistan. ISIS, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is also known as ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The rise of ISIS was not widely-known initially as the world was also focused on Hamas, a group fighting in Israel and neighboring nations. ISIS really started gaining headlines after its ruthless capture of cities and its brutal methods of terrorism, including, but not limited to, public beheadings posted on social media for the world to cringe at. And now with progress slowing down, the followers have become so desperate that they are forced to carry out terrorist attacks in the West. The incidents are far too many to be counted; it's almost like
every week or so we hear of a new attack, whether it's a truck killing people, or crazy lunatics blowing things up.
The goal of ISIS is to establish a new Caliphate ruled by an extreme interpretation of 8th century Islam. The organization wants to impose Sharia Law and eliminate all Western or more broadly, anything considered "impure" or "damaging". ISIS has been able to recruit people from around the world, including some from other terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda. In fact, ISIS has committed so many atrocities that the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has even denounced its actions. Now that's a surprise. It makes sense that al-Qaeda is angry, as it is a loose network of people while ISIS has actually sought out to claim territory.The UN estimates some 3500 people being kept as slaves as of 2015, many of whom are women and children, who are raped constantly. That's horrible. You would think they would respect the Quran and not harm women and children. Then again, these people are monsters.What draws members to ISIS is its masterful use of technology and social media. This 'caliphate' has been able to brainwash people with mass propaganda. The leader of this organization, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been capitalizing on young people and others who rely on technology in their lives. Many young people were lured into joining ISIS and have fled from their homes to join this new 'caliphate'. What also draws people is the fact that they are paid for their services,. Yes most fighters are actually paid a salary. Sounds good, right? NO, not when it's a terrorist organization. Plus, the money they pay is stolen from other people and organizations. They produce oil, and smuggle things from people to other artifacts. ISIS has also been able to secure some territory. At one point, it held some 36,000 square miles, but that has been declining for the past few years. ISIS also maintains a steady supply of weapons and other things like vehicles. Many vehicles are stolen or bought on the black market. ISIS has caused a path of destruction. Hundreds, and even thousands of ancient relics and monuments were destroyed and/or vandalized. Many structures that had been intact for thousands of years were suddenly will be blown apart in a matter of seconds by these ruthless savages. If they really wanted to preserve heritage, don't you think they would want to keep old architecture? They've destroyed Nimrud, and so many other places like in Palmyra.
When ISIS first sprang up in 2013~2014, it was right after Obama pulled troops out of Afghanistan. ISIS, which stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, is also known as ISIL, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. The rise of ISIS was not widely-known initially as the world was also focused on Hamas, a group fighting in Israel and neighboring nations. ISIS really started gaining headlines after its ruthless capture of cities and its brutal methods of terrorism, including, but not limited to, public beheadings posted on social media for the world to cringe at. And now with progress slowing down, the followers have become so desperate that they are forced to carry out terrorist attacks in the West. The incidents are far too many to be counted; it's almost like
every week or so we hear of a new attack, whether it's a truck killing people, or crazy lunatics blowing things up.
every week or so we hear of a new attack, whether it's a truck killing people, or crazy lunatics blowing things up.
The goal of ISIS is to establish a new Caliphate ruled by an extreme interpretation of 8th century Islam. The organization wants to impose Sharia Law and eliminate all Western or more broadly, anything considered "impure" or "damaging". ISIS has been able to recruit people from around the world, including some from other terrorist organizations like al-Qaeda. In fact, ISIS has committed so many atrocities that the leader of al-Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri has even denounced its actions. Now that's a surprise. It makes sense that al-Qaeda is angry, as it is a loose network of people while ISIS has actually sought out to claim territory.The UN estimates some 3500 people being kept as slaves as of 2015, many of whom are women and children, who are raped constantly. That's horrible. You would think they would respect the Quran and not harm women and children. Then again, these people are monsters.What draws members to ISIS is its masterful use of technology and social media. This 'caliphate' has been able to brainwash people with mass propaganda. The leader of this organization, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been capitalizing on young people and others who rely on technology in their lives. Many young people were lured into joining ISIS and have fled from their homes to join this new 'caliphate'. What also draws people is the fact that they are paid for their services,. Yes most fighters are actually paid a salary. Sounds good, right? NO, not when it's a terrorist organization. Plus, the money they pay is stolen from other people and organizations. They produce oil, and smuggle things from people to other artifacts. ISIS has also been able to secure some territory. At one point, it held some 36,000 square miles, but that has been declining for the past few years. ISIS also maintains a steady supply of weapons and other things like vehicles. Many vehicles are stolen or bought on the black market. ISIS has caused a path of destruction. Hundreds, and even thousands of ancient relics and monuments were destroyed and/or vandalized. Many structures that had been intact for thousands of years were suddenly will be blown apart in a matter of seconds by these ruthless savages. If they really wanted to preserve heritage, don't you think they would want to keep old architecture? They've destroyed Nimrud, and so many other places like in Palmyra.