So what makes him such a bada*s?. Well, for starters, he was a KGB officer for 16 years before he left in 1991 and dug into politics. After that he joined Boris Yeltsin and then became elected. As President, he has done some impressive feats: the economy grew for eight years, and purchasing power (PP) increased. However, he has done some murky things. As the leader of Russia, he wants to bring Russia back to how the Soviet Union was. With that in mind, we see how he has aggressively tried to reclaim territory, first with Crimea in 2014. He has also sought to increase its presence in the Middle East, and has been involved for years, from battling ISIS to allegedly supplying Assad's regime in Syria. Thus, it comes to no surprise that Russia is scoring poorly in the Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index. No doubt there is much corruption within Russia, as there is still a huge gap between upper, middle, and lower class citizens. He is such a powerful person that people claim he even meddled in our 2016 election. Whether or not that is true lies in your opinion and belief.
Now keep in mind that he's 64 years old.
Besides that, he's also a bada*s in other ways:
1. He can beat professional hockey players
- yes, he did beat NHL stars
- watch out. hyah!
- he has a 6th degree black belt in Judo and is recognized by elite Judo champions
- apparently he also helps with rescue and research operations
- he also released a West Asian Leopard once into a sanctuary back in 2010
- imagine having Donald Trump on your Vodka and food products...
- ... oh wait he has his Trump Wine and Trump steaks and Trump water...
- he caught a 20 kg pike on one of his adventures
- he tranquilized a Siberian tiger that was about to attack the crew
- seriously, this man's always in Siberia or something
- that also means he knows how to use guns
- in fact he goes to shooting ranges all the time
- he rode in a mike when he met with motorcycle enthusiasts in Crimea in 2010
- Lol. Crimea.
- Russian bikers also gave him a Hells Angel rank, where he is known as "Abaddon"
- it means The Destroyer btw in Hebrew
11. He swims in freezing lakes for fun
12. He rides horses for fun
13. He also cares about people
- he held a tea part for an 8-year old girl, Sonya, from a pediatric hospital
- he feeds and nurtures animals like elk and dolphins
- He gets up late in the morning and eats a large omelette with a bowl of porridge
- along with some quail eggs and fruit juice
- he grabs some coffee as well
- Then he swims for two hours
- He proceeds to lift weights in his gym
- Then he finally starts work in the afternoon
- Interestingly enough, he avoids technology from work most of the time
- he's more of a pen-and-paper person
- It's no surprise that he's a night owl and stays up late at night
- Surprisingly, he does not drink much alcohol
- hey.. kind of like Trump. look at that, they're buddies.
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