How did this happen? Well, Weinstein is a powerful man. He has significant power over people and groups like the media and individual reporters. He also have much leverage over others because he had money. Yes, the press was protecting him. He had the power to significantly influence outlets. He was also a big donor, as he raised millions for big Democrats. It doesn't even matter what party you're in, but if you're that big of a player, people still want you there.
The story broke out because the media industry that supported him finally broke apart; magazines are running out of money with the age of digitization with the big tech companies. So now, the only thing to do is bail. Though a lot of agencies were essentially bullied and blackmailed, any honest agency would still have reported the news, and let the rapid spread of information carry out the rest of the work and oust the person before he/she could retaliate.
Weinstein thrived on humiliation; he must have felt so powerful knowing that the most famous actresses would do things for him. I'm not supporting his actions, but let's be honest: without Weinstein, some of the actresses would not be where they are today. And the problem is that if you did accept the money and refused to say anything even though you knew it was right, why now all of a sudden? Now that you're done with him you can just get rid of him?
There are more implications to this story than just these allegations. This goes again back to the whole issue with the media. Can we really trust the media now? If these companies are allowing themselves to be bought out by big players, can we really trust them to accurately report news? This isn't some attack directed at specific "fake news" agencies but all media sources in general. How did Weinstein get protected for all these years. Is money really the answer to problems. People, this is corruption on so many levels.
nasty man