Well, the population of those countries are are pretty small; Denmark with 5.68 million, Finland with 5.48 million, Norway with 5.2 million, Sweden with 10.07 million. New York alone has over 8.5 million to put those in perspective. So yes, less people does mean more likelihood to make everyone happy. The other thing is that these counties really don't have many problems to worry about. Every country has its problems, but it's not actively engaged in war, doesn't have any economic or strenuous issues that make people worried. Everyone there is basically chill.
In Denmark, 92% of people belong to community, whether its religious or some other. Interestingly, sociologist Emile Durkheim and psychologist H.A. Lyons found that suicide and homicide rates dropped during war and times of uneasiness. Why? Well, people are less depressed because we are united against something. When they are actively engaged in something, there is more to life for them. The same applies with Denmark where though they have no war, they all have common causes to dedicate to. Resilience comes from groups.
There is research to suggest that it's in the genes and how Danish people have versions of a gene that makes the brain produce serotonin. So it may be genetics,but that can't be all because people in Bhutan are also pretty happy.
America these days has seen a drop in empathy levels since 1980. Why? Americans are living alone and spending less time engaged in social and community activities that nurture emphatic sensitivity. Sometimes the fast-paced world is driving us apart and providing us less time to meet together. People are more likely to face-time or something instead of meeting face-to-face.
So if we an take a step back and try to foster more communication and find some cause to rally behind, we can all be happy and liver higher-equality lives instead of being mad or frustrated at everything.
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