As mayor of
Where do I begin? Well, he's basically insane because he launched this campaign to rid his country of druggies and addicts by killing them off. Yes, he doesn't lock them up, but has his army/police kill them. Sound like a Pol Pot 2.0? Well, you're not wrong. This man Duterte claims that he wants to scare his people away from drugs, but is killing really going to solve it? This is a human rights issue here. You can't just take away someone's life when they do not physically harm them. He even compared himself to Hitler, and talked about killings million of drug addicts.
Duterte's also pretty nationalistic and also "regionalistic". He hates the U.S., at least under Obama, and he vowed for closer relations with China. He called Obama a 'son of a whore'. I mean, it does make sense though. China's like a couple hundred miles away versus like a whole ocean away. Also, he hates that the Philippines was once a U.S. colony. More on that in a different article. And now, he says that people should not use condoms because but should instead use pills. Sure, he might have good intentions, and he's just making a joke, but this language has drawn much scrutiny from a lot of people. The thing is though, many see him as an honest man who just cannot control his words an speaks his mind...hmm, wonder who that sounds like.
Now the thing is, Duterte really likes power. He wants power for himself and for the Philippines. He knows that China is the go-to now for investment and wants to grow closer with China. He even jokingly said that China could make the Philippines a province. China and the Philippines have had a history of bickering over the islands in the South China Sea. Duterte has significantly down-played these threats and worries and instead blames the U.S. for being involved in his country's issues. He blames other governments for not acting tough and strong and he says he does not wish to engage in military conflict with China. ne thing that cracks me up is that he declared the Communist Party of the Philippines as a 'terrorist organization'.
And he has done much in his term. He has improved the Philippines economy significantly, and he is poised to do more. He may have a gangster-like attitude, but he's actually doing stuff. And let's be honest, we are hearing more things, bad and good, about the Philippines under him.
I heard he's a pretty good guy.