Today's a special day. It's Friday, April 20, or "420" as we call it. I'm sure we all know of its connotations to smoking marijuana. Some say it's the birthday of Hitler (it's true, but not the reason), others say it's a police code for smoking in progress. Both aren't true.
They say the real way it started was on 4/20 in 1971, when five friends decided to meet at 4:20 after school to smoke some weed. They called themselves the 'Waldos' and continued their ritual. Then one of the kids' brother hooked him up with a job with the band Grateful Dead, a band. The band promoted the term 420 throughout their tours. Afterwards, some Deadheads picked it up an invited people to smoke "420" on 4/20 at 4:20. The High Times magazine picked it up and promoting the term.
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