Choo Choo

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You may have seen the news, but yes, it is true. Kim Jung Un has officially made his first formal visit to meet with another world leader. No, he didn't send one of his goons like with Pyeongchang, but he himself went. And where else would he go besides his closest trading partner, the great People's Republic of China? the trip was unannounced to the world, and even Chinese citizens had no idea. All they saw was just a green train two weeks ago that seemed to be heavily guarded as it travelled across the border between the two nations.

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China announced that it welcomed Kim over four an "unofficial" four-day visit where they had some food and watched art performances. Apparently, Kim felt it was necessary to congratulate Xi on his "reelection" as president of China. Um, not exactly a reelection if you ask me, but that's another article. They made some progress and Xi said that China was ready "to make joint efforts with the DPRK side, conform to the trend of the times, hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, continuously improve the well-being of the two peoples, and make positive contribution to regional peace, stability and development." Most importantly, they talked about denuclearization on the peninsula, the most important situation. 

China has taken this opportunity to strengthen its role as chief negotiator in the nuclear issue. Though it may seem like goodwill from both sides, this still shows how China's the "boss". China was probably reluctant to have Kim over, but after the Trump and Kim pledged to hold talks, they probably felt a bit left out. Perhaps it seems that North Korea may have gotten the upper hand, but truthfully China has the power and is just trying to not to look weak in front of the international audience.

This has opened up more opportunities for North Korea as Kim prepares to meet with South Korean president Moon Jae-In and of course, U.S. president Donald Trump. He may meet with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe, but that may be a long shot. They still hate Japan for WWII. So does this mean North Korea is once again going for a less hard-lined approach? Well... we have to wait for Kim's upcoming meets to see if it really is going to happen.

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