No Mas Nukes

What US and North Korea mean when they talk about denuclearizationx
t's finally happened. Kim Jong Un says North Korea no longer needs nukes. According to the state-controlled media, "under the proven condition of complete nuclear weapons, we no longer need any ... tests", which basically means that they are suspending their testing for a while. This is a surprising turn of events considering just a while back Kim promised to destroy the US and that he would continue with the tests. Maybe now he finally understands that his country needs to stop trying to act tough. This doesn't mean that everything will be normal though, as it is only the first step. We still have more meetings between South and North Korea and of course, the much anticipated one between Trump and Kim (hopefully) in May.

Most likely, they are doing this just so they can get some relief from the international community. It seems somewhat skeptical that the country would suddenly halt these tests. But still, North Korea has published a 6-point list : It's about
• "We declare solemnly that we faithfully realized the nuclear weaponization"
• "The nuclear test site in northern area will be discarded" 
• "(It's an) important process for global nuclear disarmament"
• "We will never use nuclear weapons unless there is a nuclear threat or nuclear provocation to our country"
• There's a commitment to "dramatically raise people's lives"
• North Korea "will intensify close ties and dialogue"

So yes, this is a sign. Especially when they publish a list, they must place some important amount of emphasis on it. Obviously this is a developing story but it should be taken lightly. 
