Anyone Can be a Politician

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"Anyone can be a politician" is a term that used to be taken lightly, but not so much now. Well, we know the classic example of Donald Trump being elected. Now we have a case in Pakistan, where a former cricket player and a famous star has won the position of Prime Minister in a polarized election that has drawn the scrutiny of many abroad.

Imran Khan, a former cricket player who was known for his lavish lifestyle (including marrying his third wife without even meeting her), took over the position after former PM Nawaz Sharif was jailed for corruption.

The problem is there are rumors of rigged elections where even the military somehow tipped the election in favor of Khan. His party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) of Pakistan Movement for Justice, has so far won 115 out of 272 seats in the National Assembly. So yes, this outsider still has  to wrestle for control over the other seats and to garner country-wide support.

But to see if he is truly a good politician, we need to see how he can turn the country around. The rupee has been devalued  4 times recently and it doesn't look too good for the economy. He has alot of corruption to battle and there will be those who are looking to topple him from all sides. Furthermore, he must  be able to place Pakistan back on the map as a strong country with a strong economy and be able to foster relations with Pakistan's neighbors.
