Donald Trump Personality Cult? (Opinion)

See the source imageLet's be honest, it's about time we talked about Donald Trump the love that people have for him. Many people will go to all ends just to defend him or glorify him They say that he has a "colorful personality" to blame or a loud mouth. But does he really have a cult around him that will go at all ends to defend him?

Let me introduce you to the Republican Party, which is now facing a sharp divide. There are those who completely adore Trump and will focus everything on Trump. Then there are those who are wary of Trump and will focus more on advancing party policies and agenda versus going to the defense of Trump. Ther are people who still continue to wave around Trump flags and Trump posters, while there are those who go door-knocking or make phone calls of actual legitimate reasons. Think about it, it's just now becoming election season and he's making these trips around the country for his bus tours? He's trying really hard to keep that personality cult.
