What Trump is Doing Right

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Enough with the Trump-bashing. We’ve heard enough. Let’s talk about what he has done well, or frankly right.
  1. Turkey- the left may try to pin this on Trump and how he is taking too extreme of an approach in dealing with Turkey. The Turkish president has tried to play itself as the victim that is getting bullied. That’s not the case because Turkey has crossed the US on numerous occasions. They deal with Russians secretly and collaborate with Iran and exchange resources. Turkey has many military contracts with Russia that have not been fully disclosed. They also captured many Americans under the “suspected terrorist” charge, but it was just so America would release a Turkish national involved in suicide bombings. So yes, it’s right to take a firmer stance because former leaders were too afraid to engage in anything.
  2. China- you might say that the trade war is absolutely stupid. You may be entirely wrong. America has never openly targeted China for the trade imbalances and other activities. Former presidents and leaders were all too happy to appease China. Now that China is striking back and that there is tension, we are too quick to point fingers instead of realizing that to tackle the problems that have been building for so long, we have to expect this negative feedback.
  3. Reaching out- Trump is not afraid to call out allies like Japan or the EU for relying on the US too much.  Seriously.  The US sends ships out to the Mediterranean when Italy and other Mediterranean countries should have a stronger presence there. This isn't about secluding the US; it's about cutting wasteful spending and efforts
