If people weren't worried about China yet, they should be now. China has just announced its successful landing on the far side of the moon, something that has never been done before. If that isn't impressive enough, then consider China 20 or even 10 years go and how much this means. We could very well be seeing a space war unfold at this rate.
China landed on the far side of the moon, which has never been done before. How did they do it? Well they launched another satellite to the moon to help facilitate the landing since it's basically impossible to communicate with a probe on the far side. So they landed on the moon and with a big bang to the other nations who have been to the moon and beyond. This is a bold statement that proves China is catching up the U.S. and Russia and may very well be on track to surpassing those countries' capabilities. While this is marvelous news for the science and engineering world, this is also alarming news for the political world.
For the STEM world, this is a huge space milestone. This brings hope back to people who believe in space as the final frontier to conquer. What's even more impressive is how China was the one to do it, the same China that 20-30 years ago was still climbing its way out of the devastation of Mao-era policies. China also did it under a smaller budget than NASA. China's Chang'e 4 spacecraft carried the Yutu 2 rover and the plan is to explore while carrying out scientific experiments. Silk worm eggs and seeds were brought out.
Some say that China is planning to build the first-ever moon base, which does not seem to be unlikely at this rate. Now the U.S. and Russia are scrambling around to understand this and are probably planning right now some new missions. Maybe it was a good thing that Trump declared the formation of a "Space Force" after all. The problem now is, where is the funding for these going to come from, because China doesn't have a layer of bureaucracy that would limit funding. China is probably going to have a manned spaceship by 2025.
Without a doubt, this moon landing will launch a new space race. China has ambitious plans by the middle of the century to launch nuclear-powered space shuttles and to reach other planets. Maybe there is room for cooperation, but it seems that with these rising tensions, there could be much skepticism. We may even see a space war or something at this rate. We now that this has solidified China as a space nation. After all, it was the third country to independently launch a person to space in 2003. It was a few decades behind the big two, USSR/Russia and the U.S., but they're catching up.
China landed on the far side of the moon, which has never been done before. How did they do it? Well they launched another satellite to the moon to help facilitate the landing since it's basically impossible to communicate with a probe on the far side. So they landed on the moon and with a big bang to the other nations who have been to the moon and beyond. This is a bold statement that proves China is catching up the U.S. and Russia and may very well be on track to surpassing those countries' capabilities. While this is marvelous news for the science and engineering world, this is also alarming news for the political world.
For the STEM world, this is a huge space milestone. This brings hope back to people who believe in space as the final frontier to conquer. What's even more impressive is how China was the one to do it, the same China that 20-30 years ago was still climbing its way out of the devastation of Mao-era policies. China also did it under a smaller budget than NASA. China's Chang'e 4 spacecraft carried the Yutu 2 rover and the plan is to explore while carrying out scientific experiments. Silk worm eggs and seeds were brought out.
Without a doubt, this moon landing will launch a new space race. China has ambitious plans by the middle of the century to launch nuclear-powered space shuttles and to reach other planets. Maybe there is room for cooperation, but it seems that with these rising tensions, there could be much skepticism. We may even see a space war or something at this rate. We now that this has solidified China as a space nation. After all, it was the third country to independently launch a person to space in 2003. It was a few decades behind the big two, USSR/Russia and the U.S., but they're catching up.
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